
If I had an enemy bigger than my apathy, I could have won
ОМГ, Россия+Франция+Китай. :inlove:

22.12.2010 в 01:37
Пишет  -Asmo-:

В ЖЖ опять выложили какую-то неведомую фигню, но я углядела заветное "Russia" стоящее рядом с не менее заветным "France", так что прусь качать.
Хеталия Фантазия, доа. 4 трек радует меня Ф/Р :inlove:
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France: Huh, what? You were here, Russia!?
Russia: I've been waiting, you know. I waited a long time, but no one came so I thought I got left out of the group.
America and England arrive on time most of the time, right? When I wondered what I was going to do then, I decided to
go somewhere and I peacefully received some items from my new friends.
France: You probably used that pole in your hand, right? Did you?
Russia: I just held it. I didn't actually use it. America's just awful for calling us here and ends up being late.
He's 130 minutes late, just like you are, France!
France: Ah, uh, I was busy with a strike. Still, it's really rare to see punctual England and America late like this.
Russia: Hehe~. If the two of them arrive anytime soon, I'll let you knock England on the head.
France: Oh, that sounds... like a pretty good offer.
Russia: Right?

ЗЫ: Хеталия, я кажется просила тебя идти лесом, нэ?

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@темы: ссылки, девичье, Хеталия, трава чертополох

22.12.2010 в 15:41

Отвлеченные размышления об абстрактных материях отлично помогают понять, что все сущее - вздор. (с)
Хеталия рулит!))
22.12.2010 в 20:27

Есть только свет и тьма. Те, кто еще не выбрал сторону, тоже служат тьме.
Ох... наш отп :inlove: