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На IMDB ушлые фаны накатали синопсис 5х22. Это надо видеть.

The looming Apocalypse prompts Dean and Sam to make a devastating decision that changes their lives. Dean agrees to let Sam say "Yes" to Lucifer. A fateful encounter in a graveyard results in Dean being beaten, almost to death, by Sam (now possessed by Lucifer). Inside his own head, Sam fights Lucifer until he gains control over his body. Michael arrives, in the body of Adam and attempts to fight Sam. As Sam is at the brink of death, Castiel saves him, killing Michael and himself in the process. With Sam weakened by the battle with Michael, Dean uses the four rings of the Horsemen to reopen Lucifer's prison. Before Sam can make the jump, God appears taking on the form of John Winchester. He acknowledges all Sam and Dean have done to prevent the Apocalypse. God then scolds Lucifer as John would scold Sam and sends him into his prison in Hell. Sam is left alive and, with Dean, thanks God, who responds by advising them to stay out of trouble from now on. Before He leaves, God resurrects Castiel for Dean. Thinking Cas to be dead, Dean is suddenly overcome with both relief and desire at the sight of him. Dean pulls Cas into the Impala where they gaze deeply into each other's eyes before Dean finally grabs the collar of Castiel's trench coat and pulls him into a kiss that is really something, really flawless, and truly...fearless. Things become quickly heated and last thing we see is Dean... hands tied to the Impala steering wheel with a blue tie...

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